5 Effective Communication Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Patrons
Patron Support, Library Staff Support Beatriz De La Espriella Patron Support, Library Staff Support Beatriz De La Espriella

5 Effective Communication Strategies for Dealing with Difficult Patrons

Difficult patrons can make your job feel like tiptoeing on eggshells. But it doesn't have to be this way. It shouldn't be this way. In this blog I cover 5 effective communication strategies that can help difficult conversations turn into opportunities for connection and reduce stress.

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3 Creative Expression Activities in Libraries that promote well-being
Mental Health, Library Staff Support, Patron Support Beatriz De La Espriella Mental Health, Library Staff Support, Patron Support Beatriz De La Espriella

3 Creative Expression Activities in Libraries that promote well-being

Step into a world of creative expression... and what a better place to do it but at your library. From painting emotions to writing your thoughts and even dancing mindfully, I am sharing three creative expression activities that are designed to promote wellbeing in libraries.

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4 Reasons to Advocate for Trauma-Informed Services Training at your Library
Mental Health, Library Staff Support, Patron Support Beatriz De La Espriella Mental Health, Library Staff Support, Patron Support Beatriz De La Espriella

4 Reasons to Advocate for Trauma-Informed Services Training at your Library

Elevate your library with trauma-informed services training. In this week's blog I am going to share 4 reasons to advocate for trauma informed services and discover how trauma-informed approaches can transform patron experience and foster inclusivity in your library.

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5 Ways Poetry can Impact our Mental Health
Mental Health, Patron Support, Library Staff Support Beatriz De La Espriella Mental Health, Patron Support, Library Staff Support Beatriz De La Espriella

5 Ways Poetry can Impact our Mental Health

Curious about how poetry can transform mental health support at your library? This blog explores five compelling ways poetry fosters emotional well-being and community connection. From providing a safe haven for self-expression to nurturing personal growth, poetry offers a pathway to profound healing.

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Navigating Anxiety: A Librarian’s Guide to Supporting Students
Mental Health, Patron Support Beatriz De La Espriella Mental Health, Patron Support Beatriz De La Espriella

Navigating Anxiety: A Librarian’s Guide to Supporting Students

Are you equipped to recognize and support students battling anxiety in your library? When does your role as a librarian end or start when it comes to anxiety? Is there something you can do to support students? In this blog I go over the essential steps library staff can take to recognize, respond and collaborate effectively to support students without feeling like you have to have a mental health therapist degree.

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4 Practical Tips to Foster Digital Well-being
Mental Health, Library Staff Support, Patron Support Beatriz De La Espriella Mental Health, Library Staff Support, Patron Support Beatriz De La Espriella

4 Practical Tips to Foster Digital Well-being

In today's tech-savvy world, striking a balance between digital engagement and mental wellness is key. Our latest blog explores practical strategies to foster digital well-being. From setting clear boundaries to prioritizing human connections, learn how to reclaim control over your digital habits and cultivate a healthier relationship with technology.

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