Navigating Anxiety: A Librarian’s Guide to Supporting Students
Mental Health, Patron Support Beatriz De La Espriella Mental Health, Patron Support Beatriz De La Espriella

Navigating Anxiety: A Librarian’s Guide to Supporting Students

Are you equipped to recognize and support students battling anxiety in your library? When does your role as a librarian end or start when it comes to anxiety? Is there something you can do to support students? In this blog I go over the essential steps library staff can take to recognize, respond and collaborate effectively to support students without feeling like you have to have a mental health therapist degree.

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4 Practical Tips to Foster Digital Well-being
Mental Health, Library Staff Support, Patron Support Beatriz De La Espriella Mental Health, Library Staff Support, Patron Support Beatriz De La Espriella

4 Practical Tips to Foster Digital Well-being

In today's tech-savvy world, striking a balance between digital engagement and mental wellness is key. Our latest blog explores practical strategies to foster digital well-being. From setting clear boundaries to prioritizing human connections, learn how to reclaim control over your digital habits and cultivate a healthier relationship with technology.

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4 Ways to Cultivate Self-Love and Boost Productivity
Mental Health, Library Staff Support Beatriz De La Espriella Mental Health, Library Staff Support Beatriz De La Espriella

4 Ways to Cultivate Self-Love and Boost Productivity

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to prioritize productivity over our own well-being. But what if I told you that cultivating self-love is the key to unlocking your full potential?

In a world where deadlines loom large and tasks seem endless, neglecting self-love can lead to stress, exhaustion, and a sense of unfulfillment. In this blog, I am sharing four powerful ways to cultivate self-love and supercharge your productivity.

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5 Strategies for ending a difficult conversation

5 Strategies for ending a difficult conversation

No matter the kinds of conversations you are having with patrons, it's crucial to prioritize your well-being and set clear boundaries, especially if its a difficult conversation. This blog goes over strategies that you can use to end difficult conversations with patrons.

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